Contec Industry

Contec Industry supports and leads companies into industrial machinery projects’ development, providing solutions to management’s needs and responsibilities on safety, environmental sustainability and innovation.
Contec Industry heads the engineering process from the concept to the construction of the solutions.
Contec Industry’s value comes from people: our expetise and multidisciplinary skills are developed with continuous training programmes.
Contec Industry: engineering, setting and implementing solutions.


Contec Industry - Gruppo Contec
Verona | Via Albere, 25 -37138 Verona
Padova | Via Prima Strada, 35 - 35129 Padova
Milano | Area MIND Via Cristina Belgioioso, 171- 20157 Milano
Udine | Via Pasolini, 2/A - 33040 Pradamano
T. +39 045 990109
[email protected]


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